This blog is about preschool crafts,preschool lesson plans,games,activities,songs,preschool themes,free preschool games,preschool behaviours,preschool games and themes and crafts.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Preschool Approach At Home

The Preschool Approach At Home

While recently doing some research on the preschool learning and preschool homeschool curriculum, and what type of preschool activities would create a positive self motivation preschool learning environment for the homeschool, I came across some ideas that are so simple it was almost embarrassing that I had to discover this through my ‘research’ time.

When one preschool teacher was asked ‘what is the one preschool teaching tool or tools in your classroom that you could not do without? She answered real life stuff. Pots and pans, staplers, hole punchers, anything around the house that will provide real life experiences for preschool activities.

Think about it…. Every thing you need for your homeschool preschool is just around the corner at a yard sale! If your going to teach preschool homeschool your classroom should be set up like a real life home. Imagine that. A real life home environment for the preschool child, and you did it. Can you teach that way? Of course, you can.

You probably already have, and do allow your child time to play, read, run outdoors, and discover the world on their travels. And you do so in a loving environment.

What you provide will far exceed what is provided for in a public preschool learning environment.

You are the best teacher the child will ever have and your home is the best leaning environment for the preschooler. You certainly don’t need to spend vast amounts of money equipping your home for preschool activities. As mentioned earlier, thrift stores and yard sales can provide more than you could ever use.

Also remember, real life experiences. Let the child help you bake, do laundry, and other household experiences. They all offer visual, hands on, and subtle problem solving. And you thought homeschool preschool would require a classroom setting.


Preschool Crafts - Dinosaur, Eggs, And Elephant Crafts To Teach The Letters "D" And "E"

Preschool Crafts - Dinosaur, Eggs, And Elephant Crafts To Teach The Letters "D" And "E"

Get Crafty!

One of the best parts of a preschooler's day is arts and crafts time. Preschool crafts allow children an opportunity to express their individuality and creativity as well as teaching discipline, basic color theory, and fine motor skills. Since the possibilities are nearly endless where preschool craft are concerned, especially when approaching a topic as broad as the alphabet, here are a few simple ideas for the letters D and E.

When Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth...

Children are fascinated by the idea of gigantic, hulking beasts called dinosaurs roaming the earth before humans even existed. This provides a wealth of crafting possibilities, such as this Dinosaur Travel Book.

Each child is given the task of creating at least 3 pictures of where they would go and what they would do if they were a dinosaur. Encourage children to depict many different kinds of dinosaurs, and show them pictures of dinosaurs to help get the creative juices flowing.

Children may use whatever artistic means are at their disposal, from crayons to markers to finger paint. After their pictures are completed, punch three holes in the side of each picture and join the pictures with string to form a book.

Since fossils are the only clue as to how the dinosaurs lived, try this craft called Dinosaur Skeletons. This craft requires construction paper, dried pasta, popsicles sticks, and glue. Give each child a piece of construction paper and a selection of pasta and popsicle sticks to recreate their dinosaur skeleton. Once they are satisfied with the skeleton, they can glue it to the construction paper and decorate it with markers or crayons.

Fresh as a Daisy

Next, here's a craft that requires paper plates, construction paper, paint and glue. Children will be creating daisies using the paper plates as the centers. To begin, have the children paint the paper plates yellow. Next, have them trace the petals onto pieces of construction paper. Each child will need between 8 and 12 petals to complete their flower. After all the petals are cut out, glue or staple them to the edges of the paper plate.

Hatching Eggs and Fancy Elephants

This craft, called "What's in an Egg" has children use their imaginations to decide what they wish could hatch out of an egg. Once they've come up with a good idea, they are to draw a picture of it on a piece of construction paper. Try to keep the drawings fairly small as they'll be placed into plastic eggs. Children can go around the room and show others what hatches out of their eggs.

Children love dressing up and wearing masks, so why not let them create their own? Here's a quick and easy way to create elephant masks using only construction paper, toilet paper tubes, and paper plates. To begin, children will paint their paper plates gray and cut them in half to make the ears. Next, cut the construction paper in half and staple it together, forming a band that will fit on a child's forehead. Now, staple the ears to the side of the band. Finally, to make the truck, paint the toilet paper tubes gray, cut them in half, and staple them to the top of the band to resemble the elephant's trunk.

These preschool crafts provide a stepping stone for you to use to spark your imagination in teaching any of the letters of the alphabet or teaching theme units.


Making ESL Learning Fun for Preschool Children

Making ESL Learning Fun for Preschool Children

The right ESL pre-k teaching tools can make learning easier and more fun. Take, for example, the research work of Dr. Howard Gardner who came up with the theory of multiple intelligences. This essentially rules out the idea that the best way for children to learn is by sitting at a table doing "desk work". Instead, Gardner pinpoints different "intelligences" which are essentially learning styles. Everyone has a specific intelligence (or a few specific intelligences) that defines how he or she learns best. This means that in order to reach all the children in a classroom, different learning methods must be made available to them. The multiple intelligences are

* Linguistic intelligence: Learning and using spoken and written language

* Logical-mathematical intelligence: Logically analysing problems, detecting patterns, reasoning.

* Musical intelligence: Performing, composing, and appreciating musical patterns.

* Bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence: Using the whole body or parts of the body to solve problems.

* Spatial intelligence: Recognizing patterns of wide space and confined areas.

* Interpersonal intelligence: Effectively working with others.

* Intrapersonal intelligence: Understanding self and feelings.

By using games and other activities in your classroom, you'll be able to create a class period that explores various intelligences and reaches a variety of children instead of just the linguistic learners.

Additionally, it's important to remember that preschoolers simply learn best through play. Just think about how preschoolers learn to count. They may count how many cars they have lined up or how many blocks they've stacked.

Here is an example of how to transform a mundane activity into an exciting game that stimulates the children's imagination and encourages better retention of vocabulary. Imagine you are teaching colours. Tell your children they are pirates who have lost their treasure overboard and they must dive down and retrieve it. Spread coloured objects or cards around the floor. Demonstrate by taking in a big breath, hold your breath and dive down and pick up one of the coloured objects, then come up for air and ask the children to name the colour, or you name it, depending on whether you are doing a speaking or listening activity. Then tell the children which colours to dive down and collect. You could make it even more dramatic by dimming the lights when the children dive down and turning them up when they surface. The children can then sort the different coloured treasure by stowing it safely in treasure chests (boxes or bags - one for each colour).

Any paediatrician will tell you that the best way to encourage a large vocabulary in your children is to read to them everyday. For young children learning English you need super simple stories, and in an ideal world, stories that reinforce the language and vocabulary you are teaching in class. You can access a free ESL preschool story with games in the resource box below the article.

As well as using games and stories you'll need to take into consideration a few other things:

* Preschool children have small attention spans so change your activities every five minutes or so because if they go longer than that, they'll start getting restless and you'll spend more time trying to keep their attention than actually doing the activity.

* Teach a small amount of language in any given session. For this age group, try to introduce three words at a time and then add to the list as you see the children understand the meaning of the words you've already introduced.

* Engage the children on multiple levels. This includes using fine and large motor movement, singing, talking, listening and looking. For example, you could have a game where the children need to move around the room to stand next to a picture or object of the word they heard you say.

* Competition in the preschool classroom causes undo stress on the children. Avoid playing games or doing activities that have winners and losers. Either have the class work together to "win" as a group or do not distinguish between winning and losing. On the same note, be sure to be supportive and encouraging to all of the learners in your class.

* Preschool children can get very excitable so vary excitable games with quiet ones to balance out the energy level in the classroom.

* Preschoolers are very visual. Bring in real objects whenever possible. When it is not possible, find colourful and vivid pictures.

* Preschooler children usually are not yet reading and writing (at least not to large extent) in their own language, so don't expect them to do it in a second language. At this age, you can expect them to listen and understand first. After a while, they will begin speaking individual words and short phrases.

* Themes work well in the preschool classroom. Focus your vocabulary learning on groups of similar types of words such as foods, colours, numbers, animals, families and body parts. You can work in short phrases that are relevant to your theme.

* Be well prepared, plan more than you think you will use and move seamlessly from one game or activity to another. Use colouring or similar quiet activities when the children need some downtime.

* Repeat, review and revise. You need to frequently review the vocabulary that you've previously taught them or they will quickly forget it.

* If you have a particularly naughty or rough student in the class, keep him or her close to you. Ask him or her to be your special helper and be sure to give a lot of praise when you see him or her behaving appropriately.

Above all, just remember what you liked to do in school. If you were bored, you probably didn't get much out of the class and the same is true for preschool and pre-k children. For free games and an illustrated story written for ESL preschoolers, visit the link in the box below the article. Help them have fun and before they know it, they'll be learning!


How To Choose a Preschool

How To Choose a Preschool

Choosing a preschool for your child requires knowing what you want in a preschool and then asking questions to see if the schools in your town match what you are looking for.

There are many philosophies on working with toddlers. Some programs offer academic curriculums and some don’t. Some offer a pre reading program and some don’t. Some offer a lot of social opportunities and some don’t.

So what questions can you ask to see if the program offered is a match for you?

Let’s start with the hours of the school. Some schools open as early as 7:00 a.m. for before school care and some school open at 9:00 a.m. when the preschool day begins. If you need to be at work at 8:00 a.m. then you’ll first need to narrow your choices to those schools that offer before school care.

It is my suggestion that you visit the school without your child. Speak to the director of the school and ask what the best time of day is to visit. You’ll learn more by visiting during indoor time versus outdoor time.

Most schools have a rough time schedule of what the kids do while at school. Does this time table fit what you hoped to have for your child? My children went to two different schools. My older daughter needed more structure. At the school she went to, the kids moved from class to class. One class was manipulatives such as puzzles, while another room had dress up clothes and yet another room held art supplies. Finally, the last room was what I called the academic room. You could find letters and numbers and books in this room. This system worked wonderfully for her.

My other daughter went to a school where academics were non existent, but socialization was constant. This very much fit the child she was and met both her needs and my needs.

So, it’s very possible to find a good school with a great program, but have it not be the right fit for your child.

I also suggest meeting with a kindergarten teacher when making your choice to find out what the kindergarten teacher at YOUR school hopes to see when your child enters the kindergarten classroom on day one.

Here are some questions you can ask when visiting:

1. Do you teach reading and writing at all? Please remember, there is not a right or wrong answer. You, as a parent need to know whether this is important to you. As I mentioned, for one of my daughters it was quite important and for the other child, it was not at all on my list of what was important.

2. What is the adult/child ratio the school tries to maintain? Every state dictates what the state requires, but all schools have their own set of guidelines within the state system. My older daughter was in a school that did not use teacher’s aides. However they kept the classes small. My younger daughter was in a school that utilized teacher’s aides and so the ratio was very small like 3:1, even though the state allowed a much higher ratio. With more children in the class, there is also more opportunity for playmates.

3. What is the sick child policy? Every school has a different sick child policy. As a mom, I did not want my kids around sick kids all the time. On the other hand, I knew if my child had a runny nose, I’d probably be called to come pick her up.

4. How often are new toys bought and how often are old toys thrown out? This was important to me, both because of safety but also the longer a toy is in circulation the more germs live on it. At some point, the dirt just doesn’t wash off anymore. Also, times change and new toys come out on the market. In addition, when dealing with items like puzzles, pieces will disappear. I wanted my child to be able to complete the puzzle, not have one piece missing.

5. What is the communication system between the school and the parent? Some schools send home a monthly calendar of the upcoming month, while some schools send out a letter on Friday that sums up the week in review. Most schools have conferences. Moms like to hear how wonderful their preschooler is. If the school detects what they believe might be a problem such as hearing, speech, sight, or even a behavioral problem, what is their method of informing you?

6. How are the children separated? Is it by age? Are there multiage classrooms? Does the system this school uses for developing classes meet your needs and the needs of your child? Every child is different. My older daughter did best with kids her own age. My younger daughter did great with kids of many ages.

7. What are the food rules at this school? Do children bring their own lunch? Are snacks served? Is the school peanut free? Some preschools choose to be peanut free to accommodate children who have peanut allergies. Are hot lunches served? If so, ask for a month long menu to see what foods are offered.

Without your child, it’s important for you to observe a class. Do the children interact with each other and with the adults? Do the children play both alone and with others? Are you seeing activities and toys that allow the child to be unique and creative? Or is every child told to make the same color flower? Children are children. If you see two kids argue, how does the teacher solve the problem? How large are the classrooms? Is there enough space for different children to be playing with different items? For example is there space for two girls to play dress up while two boys build a train track? Where are the bathrooms in relation to the classroom?

Plan to visit the school during drop off time. Are kids eagerly running to their classrooms or are most kids unhappy to be there?
If you feel the school matches what you want, ask if you can bring your child for one day. Most schools will allow a test day. If your child is happy, you’ve just found the right school to enroll your child in.


Encourage Children to Pray in Preschool Sunday School

Encourage Children to Pray in Preschool Sunday School

Do you know some adults who have a hard time praying in church or at a Bible study? Sometimes this is because they are new Christians and that is understandable. Other times it stems from the fact that they never really learned how to pray properly or are just embarrassed that they will not say the right things. Why not teach children how to pray as early as preschool in your Sunday school class? Growing up with prayer makes it much easier to transition this habit into adulthood.

The first thing that needs to be said about this subject is you should never force a child to pray. It is a skill that develops over time and at one's own pace. Prayer helps develop a personal relationship with God, and even if a child won't say a prayer out loud, you can feel comfortable knowing that she is praying silently to Him.

Take the time to explain to your Sunday school class about the importance of prayer. Sure they are little kids, but they understand much more than they are willing to let on. You can challenge their understanding of prayer by asking thoughtful questions to see who can give the right answers.

Once you explain the importance of prayer, move on to teaching your class the Lord's Prayer, and how Jesus gave us this prayer as an example. It is based on the acronym ACTS (A - adoration, C - confession, T - Thanksgiving, S - Supplication). Have parents continue this teaching at home by handing out suggested activities they can do with their children to encourage them to learn the Lord's Prayer. Have small prizes available for each child that can repeat the prayer to you in class as an incentive to learn.

Prayer calendars are a great way to encourage preschoolers to pray. You can find these calendars at Christian bookstores or online. They make a great gift from you to your class, and each day of the year has a suggested theme or subject to pray about. Preschoolers will be excited about seeing what prayer the next day brings, and getting their family to pray with them each day.

Prayer walks around your church from time-to-time will give preschoolers a chance to leave the classroom and hit certain spots around the church where you stop and pray. For example, you might stop at the preacher's door and pray for him, or stop in the sanctuary and pray for the whole congregation. Give children the opportunity to offer a prayer out loud, if they want, and have them take turns at each stop along the way.

You are not trying to create prayer warriors at this stage of the game. But, your constant influence in these little lives will make prayer something they will never forget about. As these preschoolers grow older, they will always remember the teacher that taught them about prayer, and they will pray for you with thanks. You just never how many lives you actually touch, even the smallest ones. Prayer is important.


The Creative Use Of A Preschool Party Game

The Creative Use Of A Preschool Party Game

Hosting a children’s party is always an undertaking – keeping the attention of a roomful of kids can be difficult, but with planning and organization it can be done, resulting in an enjoyable and memorable event. However, holding a party for preschool aged children has its own set of challenges, as the attention span of this younger set is short and fickle. A moment of activity-free downtime can result in a party gone awry - including temper tantrums, meltdowns, and general chaos. And once this happens, it’s even more difficult to win your tiny audience back. Luckily, with the use of a well-timed preschool party game you can keep control of your party guests and ensure an organized and enjoyable celebration.

First and foremost, a party held for this age group should be no more than one and a half hours in length; any longer and you run the risk of dwindling attention spans. Using this one and a half hour format, plan your party in blocks of fifteen minutes – a long enough time to accomplish an activity and a short enough time to keep party guests interested and motivated. The use of a preschool party game begins right when your first guest arrives.

As children arrive, direct them to a table that is set aside exclusively to engage the interest of children prior to the official start to the party. This table should offer a low-key preschool party game that will hold attention but not prematurely elevate the energy levels of the children; a coloring activity or simple craft will suffice.

When everyone has arrived, you should immediately begin the main activities for your party. Choose a preschool party game for every fifteen minutes such as pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, musical chairs, or a preschool party game that goes along with the theme of your child’s party. Keep it to a maximum of three games.

Following this you may want to serve your food; little ones don’t hold out long for cake and ice cream; followed by a preschool party game craft. Keep instructions clear and materials simple to encourage as much independent participation as possible.

Following the opening of presents, you may want to end the party with an active preschool party game that gives children the opportunity to release some energy – such as freeze dance, where kids dance to music you supply and then must freeze when you turn the music off. Anyone still moving is out of the game.

The use of a creative preschool party game during appropriate times will ensure a successful party where children are engaged, interested, and having fun!


The Use Of Preschool Games In And Out Of A Classroom

The Use Of Preschool Games In And Out Of A Classroom

For children under the age of five - or for those who have not yet started Kindergarten – a preschool program is an introduction to the classroom environment, where students have the opportunity to learn imperative social and educational lessons in a structured but informal environment. Research has shown us that a love for learning fostered in the preschool – through a comfortable, nurturing environment and guided by skilled teachers – can do much to ensure a lifetime of successful schooling. And because research has also shown that children of this age learn best through the process of play, preschool curriculums tend to be play based, including the use of preschool games.

There are a variety of ways to institute preschool games into the learning environment. Skilled preschool teachers are adept at presenting lessons in an enjoyable, participatory way that motivates children in a non-intimidating fashion. Some preschool games include the use of letter and number games to introduce language and mathematics, drawing to promote fine motor skills, physical play to encourage the development of gross motor skills, and games focused around books to help foster a love of reading. Savvy preschool programs also incorporate the use of computer games to help spark interest and teach fundamentals.

Aside from academic lessons, preschool games offer an opportunity for children to learn the all-important social lessons that come with working in a group. Children participate in taking turns, following directions, working together, and respecting each other’s time to speak; there is also, of course, the ultimate benefit of children gaining a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence when completing a task.

Preschool games can be used out of the classroom as well. For children in this age group, a selection of preschool games used during a party will not only keep the interest of party guests but provide an educational experience as well.

The use of preschool games in the daily lives of children can help build a foundation of poise, analytical thought, and creativity – important lessons not to be overlooked.


A Preschool Job Online Searching Guide

A Preschool Job Online Searching Guide

It has never been an easier task than getting your hands on a preschool job! That is if you are performing a good online job search. The Internet is full of job opportunities, that almost all of us can find an opening that suits his or her needs.

Looking at the advantages for both the employers and the employees, the first one to be mentioned is the fact that finding potential employees or employers in this manner saves a lot of time and money! Employers can post preschool job listings any day of the week, and job hunters no longer have to buy the paper, for instance and drop off resumes.

It is a commonly accepted fact that it takes less time and effort to look for an online preschool job. You can find new openings all over the world and then submit your resume without anything more than a mouse click. If they are interested, the employer will email you the next days for the phone interview or to invite you over for a meeting.

Along with the online job searching engines, there is another interesting thing that has developed within the recent years. I am speaking about support groups through forums and chat rooms. It would be a good idea to look into one of these job search forums, should you have no success in finding a preschool job on your own. The helpful members are sure to offer tips for guiding your search.

Should you be wishing for a new and better paying job, consider preparing a few details ahead of time, so that nothing can surprise you when facing the employers. In order to avoid frustration, it is always good to have an image of what type of job you may be looking for. Make a list of all the details you find important. Should you want to be working for a large corporation and not for a small family run business, you must by all means mention it on your list. If you work better at night than during the day, jot it down as well. It would be wise to make a list of all of your skills and experiences.

Last, but not least, location is a very important thing nowadays, so be sure to specify it! There is nothing worse than finding the perfect preschool job, which requires some good hours to getting there.


Preschool Education In USA - Emerging Trends And Implications For Future

Preschool Education In USA - Emerging Trends And Implications For Future

Early childcare and education is now universally regarded as an important component of basic education. The World Conference on Education for All held in March 1990 at Jomtien, Thailand promoted the idea that "Learning begins at birth". According to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNICEF, proper early childhood programs can produce more agile minds, better school attendance, lower repetition and dropout rates and stronger academic skills. And at a time, when most parents are increasingly finding it difficult to spend adequate time with their children in USA, playschools or preschools in USA, by providing early childhood care and education, have come to play a very significant role in the proper development of skills and ethics of the future American citizens. Therefore, it is very important to take stock of the emerging trends in the preschool education of USA and analyze the implications they bear for the future.

Preschool Education in USA:
United States of America has a federal structure and education is primarily a State and local responsibility. This is reflected well in the expenditure pattern on America's education. While the local communities, private organizations and State agencies contribute more than ninety percent of education budget; federal expenditure generally remains below ten percent. States and communities, as well as public and private organizations of all kinds are involved in establishing schools and colleges, develop curricula, and determine requirements for enrollment in educational institutes of USA.

Emerging trends in Preschool education of USA:
While, by allowing private players to provide elementary education, a healthy competition is sought to be promoted among the playschools in USA, the government is also taking some measures to make preschool education available for all. In order to make early childhood education and care available for the disadvantaged section of American society, the U.S department of education sets aside the Title-I grants. Moreover, the Early Reading First program, established in the No Child Left Behind Act, provides competitive grants to school districts and pre-school programs, such as Head Start centers. The grants fund the development of model programs to support the school readiness of preschool-aged children, particularly those from low-income families. In order to make the children with disabilities succeed in their life, the Special Education Preschool Grants and State Grants program are constituted. They would provide formula grants to states to make quality preschool education in USA available for the 3- to 5-year-old children with disabilities. Thus, while several preschools in USA are making profit by taking care of the young children, some measures are also being taken to make quality early child care available to the marginalized sections of the society as the Bush administration has promoted the "Good Start, Grow Smart" policy when it comes to preschool education in USA. However, all is not hunky-dory when we look at the state of preschool education in USA and despite all the efforts to provide quality preschool education to all, preschool fees in several parts of USA have gone sky high. According to the Forbes magazine, the admission fee in some of the preschools has crossed $30,000. The admission fee in New York's Ethical Culture Fieldstone School has gone up to $ 30, 440. Another preschool in New York, bank Street charges $ 27, 450 and the Center for Early Education in Los Angels charges $ 15, 400. This rising admission cost of preschools in USA paints a picture of preschool education in USA that is in sharp contrast to the European model where most countries prefer to provide state sponsored free quality preschool education.

While competition among the preschools to provide best facilities and education cannot be dubbed as bad, a check on the rising cost of preschool education in some of the preschools in USA would definitely help driving away feelings of alienation from the various sections of American population and help in producing quality human capital for the nation.


Preschool Spanish

Preschool Spanish

Why an EarlyAGE 2nd Language?

Research indicates that from ages 1 through 8 is the best time to introduce a new language to a child. If the 2nd language is introduced early in life children will learn it faster and retain it longer. Being exposed to a 2nd language offers numerous benefits to young children including an improved ability to communicate, better cognitive development, richer cultural awareness, improved academic performance, superior educational opportunities and, ultimately, better jobs. The earlier a child is exposed to a 2nd language the more likely they will speak it with native pronunciation. One recent study found that bilingual children learn to read sooner than their single language counterparts, have increased creative skills and become proficient problem solvers. Another study indicated that bilingual children also performed better on math and verbal sections of standardized tests than single language children. Perhaps these are just a few of the reasons that teaching Spanish is becoming popular in many childcare centers and preschools.

Why Spanish?

Spanish is the most widely requested 2nd language for the following reasons:

· Over 27 million homes in the United States have Spanish as their 1st language

· There are over 42 million Hispanic people living in the United States

· Many companies are seeking bilingual (English/Spanish) employees

· Learning Spanish allows communication with over 300 million people worldwide

· Spanish is closely related to the English language and is relatively easy to learn

How to Get Started?

Here are two excellent contacts for preschool Spanish education:

· A great source for colorful flashcards, CD’s, DVD’s and more methods to introduce the preschooler to Spanish.

· A Franchisor providing EarlyAGE 2nd language activities introducing preschoolers to Spanish basics including numbers, colors and everyday words.


The Creativity Incorporated In Preschool Teaching

The Creativity Incorporated In Preschool Teaching

For children under the age of five – and prior to the start of kindergarten – there is the option of preschool programs. Preschool may sometimes be offered through the public school system but most often preschool programs are offered through private or religious institutions. The benefits of preschool teaching are numerous; and the ways in which such lessons can be infused with creativity are just as numerous.

The goals of a preschool program are to foster a love of learning and prepare young children for their future school experience; the way that this is accomplished is through creative preschool teaching. Young children of this age are receptive to a variety of information; their brains eagerly absorb all they see, hear, and touch. Subsequently, preschoolers learn best through play-based programs. Through play, children practice social skills such as respecting each other, working together, and taking turns, as well as taking in the fundamental lessons without being aware of doing so.

Creative preschool teaching means successfully and effectively incorporating core lessons into play-based curriculum. Such preschool teaching may include ball play that promotes hand-eye coordination, physical games that sharpen gross motor skills, card games that practice memory retention, writing games that hone fine motor skills, and books and storytelling to further a love for reading and language. The role of the preschool teacher in this capacity is that of facilitator; to creatively present fundamentals in a way that engages students.

Of course, preschool teaching in this modern time often means the integration of computer-based lessons into the classroom environment. Computer learning games spark the interest of children with the use of color, sound, and interactive play.

Preschool teaching requires patience, creativity, energy, and a love of educating children. It requires an ability to take ordinary lessons and make them extraordinary; to take core learning and make it fun; and to make school a place of joy and achievement. Ultimately, the success of preschool teaching will be reflected in a child’s lifelong love of school and learning.


Deciding On Home School Preschool

Deciding On Home School Preschool

The decision of whether or not to send a child to preschool is a personal choice largely dependent on adequate and affordable programs in a particular area. While some areas provide district funded programs designed to prepare children for kindergarten, others offer only private preschool programs that come at a price. However, there is also the option of home school preschool that allows parents to prepare their children for kindergarten while controlling the environment and method of teaching.

The most important goal of preschool is to prepare young children for the school experience. With guidance, parents can successfully deliver these most important lessons through a home school preschool program. So while public preschool programs may be overcrowded or nonexistent, and private preschool may prove cost-prohibitive, home school preschool can offer benefits equal, if not superior, to both.

Further, for very young children who have yet to leave home without their parents, a preschool program out of the home may be extremely overwhelming. This is the age in which to foster confidence and a love of learning; as such, this first school experience is incredibly important. It may be better to introduce school lessons in an environment in which children are comfortable and nurtured. And a home school preschool can offer just that.

Luckily, there are a variety of home school preschool programs specifically designed by professional educators experienced in elementary education. These programs can be found online and include detailed lesson plans that will educate and invigorate young children through play-based learning. Parents who choose to embark upon a home school preschool program need not worry that they are not qualified to teach. These pre-planned home school preschool programs will walk you through the educational process with ease and confidence. And ultimately, your child will flourish with your care and support.

Keep in mind that a home school preschool program does not necessarily mean a long-term commitment to home schooling. You may want to begin with a home school preschool program and then transition your child to a public or private traditional school environment. Or, you may find that you sincerely enjoy the home schooling process and choose to continue. Either way, it is most important that you address your child’s individual needs in determining an educational path. With love, support, and dedication, you will foster a love of learning sure to follow your child for a lifetime.


Free Preschool Games - Teaching Letters And Numbers

Free Preschool Games - Teaching Letters And Numbers

Here are some fun and free preschool games to teach your preschooler their letters and numbers.

Free Educational Games

1. Alphabet scrapbook

Make an alphabet scrapbook using cut outs from an old magazine, catalogues or by taking print out of letters from the internet.

Have a page dedicated to each letter - stick letters, things that begin with that letter sound and encourage your preschooler in this craft activity.

You don't have to do it all in a day. Let this be an ongoing exercise which can go on for a few weeks.

Let your kid save their artwork and enjoy the creation.

2. Labelling the household items

This is another of a free preschool games which can be quite fun. Weather its just few letters that your little one keeps forgetting or you are looking to teach all the 26 letters.

Label the household items by writing their names on a sticker and sticking them on these items. Start from any corner of the house, you can even begin by having entry and exit signs throughout the house. Label chairs, table, almost any thing you can think of. Kids will get familiarised with the letters slowly by seeing them all around them.

This can be a great game even to teach some numbers to your little one.

If its a chest of drawers, you can number up the drawers, not necessarily number one onwards. If you are looking to teach say 11-20, begin numbering the drawers with 11 onwards. And just use the number for that particular drawer while talking to your child and he is sure to catch up.

3. Alphabet or Number of the day

Have a letter of the day or week. Begin with a cut-out of the letter hanging at some fixed place in the house. Make it a small exercise to find some objects in the house that begin with that letter. Point out as many objects as possible that begin with that letter.
Do the same and have a number of the day, count objects in any place you are.

Free educational games like these can be played almost anywhere anytime.

Watch your preschooler start picking up his letters and numbers by playing such fun and free preschool games.


Preschool Online Games Can Help Your Preschooler's Education

Preschool Online Games Can Help Your Preschooler's Education

When you think about education for your little one, the most important and wisest thing you can do for your child, is to pay careful attention to what they see, what they hear and where they spend their time. There is no substitute for you, so even if your child is in daycare every day, there are still some great opportunities for you to influence and raise your child the way you think is best. And, because we all live busy lives, and especially if you work, outside of the home, there will be those times when you are at home or in the car, when you simply have to be doing other things. These are those moments that you will want your child to be occupied and learning at the same time.

There Is A Time and A Place For Preschool Online Games

This is where preschool online games can help you. They is absolutely no substitute for you or your child's family and friends, but they do have a place if used properly. It can help them prepare for school, especially since most schools are now using computer technology as teaching aids. Preschool online games now offer a wealth of information and learning tools to prepare your preschooler for math and reading skills they will need to have in kindergarten and first grade.

Most of us do not realize the subtle learning building blocks that must be in place for a child to be successful in kindergarten and first grade in reading and other subjects.

Choosing Preschool Online Games

It is so important to choose the right preschool online games for your child. The only way to truly know is to sit down and go through the games and play them yourself and then with your child. This will be a happy time of bonding for the two of you as he/she gets used to how it works. You can rest easy knowing that you have chosen an activity that fits those times when we all have things we must do and your child needs something fun to do as well.


The Preschool Learning Difference

The Preschool Learning Difference

The preschool environment is designed to educate young children prior to the age of five – when most children begin kindergarten. Preschool is an optional learning experience; some preschool programs are offered through the public school district, but in most cases preschool is offered privately – either in a non-denominational setting or through a religious institution. Because preschool meets the needs of young children, preschool learning differs quite a bit from the learning environment offered at the time of elementary school.

Research has shown that children of this age are especially conducive to learning; their brains are like sponges picking up concepts through the use of all of their senses. Such is the reason that preschool learning concepts are taught through play-based programs. It has been shown that preschool aged children learn best through play, absorbing fundamental lessons without being aware of anything but having fun.

Curriculum designed for preschool learning often incorporates core concepts into fun, tactile games; ball play promotes hand-eye coordination, physical games sharpen gross motor skills, card games practice memory retention, writing games hone fine motor skills, and books and storytelling further a love for reading and language. And all the while, children are also learning fundamental social lessons such as working together, respecting each other, and taking turns.

The modern preschool environment will also incorporate the use of computer games into the curriculum. Preschool learning of today can take place through the use of computer software that engages children through the use of color, sound, and interactive play.

Creative preschool teachers are crucial to successful preschool learning. It takes an inspired, resourceful individual to effectively deliver educational lessons in a way that interests and motivates small children. Holding the attention of students so small can sometimes be the most difficult accomplishment.

Most importantly, the goal of preschool learning is to foster a lifelong love of learning; children should leave the preschool experience with a feeling of accomplishment allowing them to move forward in their education with comfort and confidence.


Preschool Party Games

Preschool Party Games

Planning a birthday party for your preschooler? Party games are
a great way to keep young children entertained and engaged in the
party. Make sure every child gets a prize of some kind so child
every goes home a winner!

Bean in Your Shoe

One player goes out of the room. A dried bean is given to one of
the players to put in his or her shoe. Play some music and have
all the players dance, each child pretending to have a bean in
their shoe. The player that left the room comes back and tries to
guess who has the bean in their shoe. If they guess right, the
person with the bean in their shoe gets to guess next. If they
guess wrong, they get to leave the room again and try again. If
they guess wrong a second time, they get to choose who gets to
leave the room next.

Hot and Cold

Have the players hide an object while one player leaves the room.
When the object has been hidden, the player that left returns to
the room and guesses where the object has been hidden. This
player must move around one step at a time while the other
players call out “Warm!” or “Cold!” or “Colder!” or “Warmer!” or
“Boiling!” until the player finds the object. The closer they
get, the “warmer” they are. The further away they get, the
“colder” they are.

Lucky Number

Give each child five buttons. The players go from player to
player, exchanging buttons with each other. They can give away as
many or few as they want, but they cannot refuse buttons from
other players. After approximately 2 minutes the leader
calls “Stop!” The leader then calls out a “lucky number” between
one and twenty. Whoever has that number of buttons wins.

Cat and Rat

This game is best for 10 or more players. The players hold hands
in a circle. One player is the rat on the inside of the circle,
and one player is the cat on the outside of the circle. The cat
tries to break through the circle to get to the rat. The players
in the circle try to prevent the cat from getting to the rat.
When the cat succeeds in breaking through the circle, the players
the cat broke between are the next cat and rat.

Balloon Race

Give each child a self-addressed postcard. Have the children
dictate to an adult notes to write on their postcard that state
they are having a contest to see whose balloon travels the
farthest. Also ask that the location, date, and time that the
balloon is found be written on the postcard by the person who
finds the balloon and that the person drop the postcard in the
mail. Place the postcards in ziploc bags and attach them to the
balloons. Set a date for when the contest ends, and launch the

Farm Animals

Secretly give the name of a farm animal to each player. The
leader yells “Go!” and each player acts out their animal at the
same time. At the end of 2 minutes, each player calls out as many
of the animal names as they can remember. The player
that remembers the most animal names correctly wins the game.

Dog Bone

All players are seated in a group. One player is selected to be
the dog. The dog sits with his back to the rest of the players. A
bone (eraser, ball, or some other object) is placed on the floor
behind the dog’s back. One at a time, each player tries to sneak
up behind the dog and steal his bone. If the dog hears a sound
from the player trying to sneak up behind him, he “barks” and the
other player returns to their seat. If someone is successful in
stealing the bone, that player returns to their seat and hides
the bone. All of the players then say, “Dog, Dog, where’s your
bone?” The dog has three chances to guess who stole his bone. The
person who stole the bone gets to be dog next.

Break the Balloon

Each child receives a balloon. The first child to blow up their
balloon and pop it wins (show the children how to tie the
balloons before the game begins).

Blind Man’s Bluff

Choose one child to be blindfolded. Let the child wander around
the room until they touch another child. The blindfolded child
tries to guess who they have touched. If they are correct, the
other child gets to blindfolded next. If they are wrong, they get
to be blindfolded one more time. If they are wrong a second time,
they get to choose who gets to be blindfolded next.

Penny Dropping

Give each player 5 pennies. Place a jar on the floor behind a
chair. Have the players take turns kneeling on the chair and
trying to drop their pennies into the jar. Their hand should not
go lower than the top of the back of the chair. Whoever gets the
most pennies in the jar wins the game.


How to Start a Preschool Sunday School Class

How to Start a Preschool Sunday School Class

It is not hard to start a Sunday school class for preschoolers. Once you have passed the idea by your minister and/or elders put an ad in the church bulletin that you are starting a program, and ask for volunteers to assist you. It really is that easy, but here is some more in-depth information to get a class started smoothly.

How to Start

Find out how many parents are interested in this. Gather together a list of names and phone numbers. You can put a sign-up sheet in the foyer of the church. Once you find out how many children there will be, you will then know how much assistance you will need.

Find a suitable available room to hold your class. An ideal room should have a bathroom for small children, or at least be close to a central bathroom in the church. Many preschoolers are either potty trained or in the midst of being trained.

Before you can start your preschool Sunday school class, you will need to be prepared. Get the room all ready and all your needed supplies before starting your class. You want the children to be excited when they start this new class, and you want parents to know that they are in a good Christian environment.

What You Will Need

The first concern is safety. Have matching name tags for the preschoolers and the parents. This way you will know who goes with who. There will be no chance of someone else taking a kid that does not belong to him.

To start with, be sure and have small tables and chairs. Arrange the tables and chairs so that there is a place for them to move around. Get a nice selection of Christian storybooks and art supplies. Be sure and have some activities where the kids can move around.

You may want to get a soft mat or rug for them to sit on during Bible story time. Use the tables for doing arts and crafts.

It is a good idea to get a felt storyboard to help teach your lessons. Preschooler love visuals. You can find many felt made stories in Christian bookstores or online. Young children also enjoy object lessons where they can touch and feel things that help them remember what they learn during lessons.

Lesson Plans

You will need to have some lesson plans ready before you start. There are some good online resources for ideas on lesson plans, as well as arts and craft ideas and things you can print out. You can also purchase pre-made lesson plans through places like Standard Publishing, Gospel Light, and other well-known curriculum publishers. Keep in mind that preschoolers are very active and will not want to sit still for long periods of time. A typical lesson plan for preschoolers would be something like this:

Start off by singing a few simple songs. Jesus Loves Me is a good one to start with.
Have coloring sheets and crayons ready on the tables before the children come in. Print out coloring sheets that pertain to your lesson. Let the children sit and color the picture.
Have the children sit in front of you on the floor for story time. Bible story time should only be about 10 or 15 minutes. Get them involved by asking a few discussion questions about the story.
Teach your class a relative Bible verse for memory practice.
Arts and crafts project relating to story or play a game.
Have a prayer.
Snack time.

Some ideas for stories would be Noah's Ark, the story of Zacchaeus, Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand, David and Goliath, and many others. There are also some really nice stories for preschoolers that will teach about life's lessons. There are stories about how to pray and how God loves you.

Starting a preschool Sunday school class can be a lot of work, but it has wonderful rewards. You will be teaching young minds about God and Jesus in a language that they can understand.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Preschool Games Online and How Cool They Are!

Preschool Games Online and How Cool They Are!

Getting All You Can From Preschool Games Online

There will come a time when you think that your daughter or son has now reached the stage where he/she can begin to explore using preschool games online. You will first want to search out the best sites first, before you introduce this to them. It is so important that the online activities that they will begin to be exposed to are learning activities, not just time-users. There are many excellent programs online. However, preschool children are too young to use the computer as a babysitter.

Although your children will see this activity as pure fun, you can rest assured knowing that you are providing a rich, educational experience for them while they play! That is the rewarding part, and you will feel no guilt when you need a few moments to get chores done around the house or in the car. The very best way to explore this is to sit down with the child and play the game with the child yourself. Then you will know exactly what the program is like and what is being fed into their minds at a young age.

Seeking Out Games

To find games online, you just have to do a simple search and you will see many choices online. You might want also to check with your child's teacher at his/her preschool to see if they might have some online game sites that are their favorites. Most preschool teachers are familiar with good online game sites, especially since now most schools are well-equipped with computer technology and learning games for children of all ages.


Great Preschool Game Ideas

Great Preschool Game Ideas

These Preschool game ideas are sure to make your kids jump for joy and have a jolly good time.

Hunt the Ring

For this game a long piece of string is required.
On this a ring is threaded, and the ends of the string are knotted together.
The players then take the string in their hands and form a circle, whilst one of the company, who is called the "hunter," stands in the center.
The string must be passed rapidly round and round, and the players must try to prevent the "hunter" finding out who holds the ring.
As soon as he has done this, he takes his place in the circle, whilst the person who held the ring becomes the "hunter."

Hot Tamales

The "tamale" in this game is a knotted handkerchief.
One player is chosen for the Hot Tamale man and stands in the center of the room while the others sit around in a circle.
The Hot Tamale man begins the game by saying, "hot tamales, hot tamales," at the same time throwing the hot tamale to some one in the circle who must throw it to another player in the circle and so on, tossing it from one to another without stopping.
The Hot Tamale man tries to catch it and if he succeeds, the one who last tossed it changes places with him and the game continues.

Frog in the Middle

One child is seated on the ground with his legs under him and the other players form a ring round him.
They then pull him about and give him little pushes, and he must try and catch one without rising from the floor.
The child who is caught takes the middle, and the frog joins the circle.


Preschool Education is a Necessary Stage of Development!

Preschool Education is a Necessary Stage of Development!

A Preschool education is an incredibly important part of children' s lives, as it is the first basic educational experience that they will have, and the first truly social setting and experience that they will have as well. Children are very susceptible to learning in their first few years of life, so it is so important that they have the most enjoyable experience that they can in this regards. So, finding the best preschool for your child is imperative.

Children between the ages of three and five are ready to learn. Curiosity is high in this age group and pre-schools meet the needs of the child. If the child’s inner curiosity is not met with activities and answers, it could possibly diminish his or her future academic performance.

Children in this age group have a wide range of interests. If these interests are discovered and encouraged at a young age, it will lay the groundwork for a love of learning. For instance, a child who has a love for scribbling and is encouraged will generally learn to write earlier than other children.

Children who are enrolled in pre-school learn the importance of character through the praise and encouragement they receive through displaying hard work and responsibility. This leads to positive self worth, as well as fostering good study skills, in a child.

It is vital to prepare your toddler for the transition to preschool. You should start preparing 3 months in advance. This is a big step for your child and you want it to be a positive experience. Parents who have to leave their children in a preschool center are always tortured by the dilemma of whether they chose the right one or not for their little ones. But in most cases it is really just guilt over leaving the child. If you did your homework, spoke to friends or neighbors that may have had children attend the school with positive results, then don't worry. Remember, the children need this preschool education experience, it is a necessary stage of development.


Free Online Preschool Games

Free Online Preschool Games

Tell Me About Free Online Preschool Games

If you are wondering about free online preschool games, you came to the right place. What are the advantages you may ask? The first advantage is that it gives you a child a headstart on what he/she will face in school soon. It also gives them extra practice in learning basil reading skills such as sounds and recognition of letters that they will definitely need as a base to learn how to read and how to read well. The best thing to do when starting these free online preschool games with your preschooler, is to actually take the time and sit down with them and go through the programs with them. They will love the attention and the fact that you took the time to show them, even if you can't tell this by their reaction. They will be so excited about the game, but they will remember who showed them the games and come to you for help.

Good Time Together With Preschool Games

Just as with our parents and grandparents in the past, time spells love. Today, that is still true. The forms of activity may be totally computerized, but the principle is the same. My teenager still wants me to play Guitar Hero and X-box with him, even though he is in college. This starts in preschool, now for you. Children want you to know what they are doing and why they are doing it. How can you help them with a online game, if you don't know how to play the game yourself? It only takes a few moments. Take the time, learn the game, and enjoy watching the lightbulb come on in your child's mind and heart towards learning and towards you at the same time.

Internet Safety

Be careful and monitor often what your child is looking at on the preschool website. They click a lot of buttons and could wind up in a potentially hazardous-to-their -eyes-site. Check on them about every 15 minutes or more, just to be sure they are still on the free online preschool game site. You won't regret it and you can see their progress in the game at the same time! They will want to show you! Be there! Be there for them! This time is precious and only comes once - just once.


Free Preschool Games Online and Your PC

Free Preschool Games Online and Your PC

Introduce Your Preschooler to Free Preschool Games Online with Your Own PC

One way to introduce your child to the world of personal computers is to introduce them to free preschool games online. Schools are now implementing new and wonderful technology to enhance your child's reading, math, science and social studies skills. Why not start them off at home and introduce them to free online games in the comfort of your own home before they get to school? There are many companies that produce software made especially for your sweet preschooler and you and your preschooler can have a blast exploring all the free preschool games online!

Awesome Preschool Games Online

Just do a simple search for your child's favorite cartoon character and you will be amazed that the software companies are way ahead of you. They have made online learning activities and games for your child in the form of your preschooler's favorite character. They are smart folks. They know that a child will learn from their favorite characters and you can relax knowing that you have taught them how to use your personal computer in a way that is healthy and is building their skills for their future in the near-by school years.

Capture Their Imagination Before Something Else Does

The best way to capture your preschooler's imagination and channel it into an educational pursuit is through preschool games online. When you and your child see the colors and the sounds and repeat them together, it will be happy moments that you will always treasure.


Are Preschool Online Games For Your Child?

Are Preschool Online Games For Your Child?

Preschool Online Games Bring An Edge

Many people feel that online learning gives their children an "edge" that gets them started early on to prepare them for preschool or kindergarten. There are some absolutely wonderful new resources online if you are a parent of a toddler or preschooler looking for educational games.

The Most Important Aspect of Online Preschool Learning

The most important aspect is to know what your child is viewing at all times and not to substitute it for your own love and attention. There are those many times when you need a babysitter, and online educational learning can fill this gap nicely. Make sure your child is within your sight and earshot and listen carefully to what they are doing at all times. Having your child learn letters and sounds and engaging their minds and even playing the games with them at times, is a wonderful way to introduce them to school. In the past, kids played "school" but now children can actually play school online.

The Second Thing To Consider

The second thing to consider is the type of program they are listening to and interacting with while you are not watching. Make sure there are no scary images, but instead foster healthy thoughts and dreams. Listen to see what the educational game is asking the children to do or to repeat. It is so important that you are aware of each aspect of the game that you introduce your child to while you are busy doing other things that life brings our way.


5 Jolly Preschool Christmas Games

5 Jolly Preschool Christmas Games

Christmas games for children are so jolly! Preschool Christmas games for little ones get the kids in the holiday spirit, and keep them occupied and out of mischief!

Christmas Garland Limbo Activity

Materials Needed:

Christmas Garland, about 2 feet
Christmas CD/Tape
CD/Tape Player


Pop a holiday CD in the radio to set the mood.
Appoint two preschoolers to hold the limbo "pole."
Have each preschooler hold onto an end of the Christmas garland and stand next to one another, pulling the garland taut to create the limbo pole.
Have preschoolers form a line and take turns seeing how low they can go.
If you want your Christmas garland limbo activity to be a competition, eliminate preschoolers after they fail to make it under the limbo "pole."
The preschooler who is able to slide under the limbo pole at it's shortest height wins.

Candy Cane Pass (Relay Race)

Materials Needed

4 candy canes per team (have a few extras due to breakage).


The first player holds 4 candy canes between his/her fingers and passes them down the line, teammate to teammate, without dropping any.
The first team to pass the candy canes all the way down the line are the winners.

Ring the Bell

Materials Needed:

Bean Bags


Cut a large bell shape out of a large piece of cardboard.
Attach bells to a piece of ribbon.
Then attach the ribbon to the top of the bell cutout.
Let your children throw bean bags or balls through the hole and ring the bell.

Christmas Match

Materials Needed:

Pair of scissors


Create several different Christmas Shape Cutouts (Santa, stocking, ornaments, Christmas Trees, etc). Cut them in half and then have your children match the halves.

More Christmas activities and preschool Christmas games:

Mini Stocking Advent Activity Preschoolers will delight in counting the days till Christmas by discovering a holiday trinket in a mini stocking each day until December 25.

Candy Cane Tree Advent Activity Preschoolers will enjoy decorating a small Christmas tree with a candy cane each day until Santa arrives.


Preschool Plans - Kids Learn and Enjoy at the Same Time

Preschool Plans - Kids Learn and Enjoy at the Same Time

Preschool teachers, daycare providers and kindergarten teachers can find a mine full of preschool plans on the net. You too can find plans to make music, learn alphabets, animal themed plans and much more.

Music Plans

Music preschool plans are a great hit with teachers and students alike. You can begin by collecting various items from your home. I am sure you will find items like, marbles, bells, paperclips, pencils, and other small items lying around your home. Put them in a box and then shake it. Now ask your pre kindergarten students what they think is in the box.

Another great music plan involves collecting rocks. Collect rocks of various sizes. The kids will love to help you out on this one. After you and your preschoolers have collected sufficient rocks, you can pick up various rocks of different sizes and bang them together. Obviously you would be doing this one pair at a time. Now ask your preschooler whether different rocks make different sounds. If they answer yes, ask them how the sounds are different.

Another fun music plan that you can do with your preschooler is to have them communicate by singing. If they want to say or express something, let them do it through singing.

These music plans will help your preschoolers-

• To differentiate between different sounds.
• They will learn to identify where these different sounds are coming from.
• They will learn how to create music using their own voices.

Life Cycle Of A Butterfly

Science related activities for preschool are also quite popular. Science preschool plans help kids understand the nature around them. It develops their creative energy and brings out the explorer in them. There are many such plans available. One of my favorite is identifying the life cycle of a butterfly. You would need the following materials-

• Several butterfly patterns
• Spiral pasta to represent a caterpillar
• Shell pasta to represent the chrysalis
• Bow tie pasta to represent a butterfly
• Small pasta to represent an egg of a butterfly
• Colors
• Glue

First, ask your preschoolers what they know about butterflies and whether they have seen or touched one. Ask them about various stages in the life of a butterfly. Now show them how an egg becomes a butterfly. Discuss each stage in detail with the help of the materials that you have. Now ask each of them make their own butterfly and decorate it. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to understand the four stages in a butterfly's life.

Trip To A Farm
Most kids love animals, so you can plan a pre K learning farm trip to familiarize the kids with various farm animals. Let them ask the farmer all the questions they want to ask. Then when they come back to the school, you can create a barn like environment in the classroom. For example, add small farm animals, toy tractors, trucks, etc. Then discuss all that they learned at the farm. This is a fun activity where the kids too get to learn a lot.

Teaching preschoolers is both- very challenging and very rewarding. You are teaching these kids their very first lessons in life. If you manage to make it fun and exciting for these kids, they will enjoy learning. So choose the preschool plans carefully and watch what a great learning experience it is for everyone involved.


Free Preschool Lesson Plans For Making Music With Your Preschooler

Free Preschool Lesson Plans For Making Music With Your Preschooler

Here are some free preschool lesson plans for making music with your preschool class or your own preschoolers at home. These are very simple, and will introduce your preschooler to listening and thinking about music.

These activities will help your preschoolers learn:

-To listen for the difference between loud sounds and soft sounds
-To identify how sounds are the same or different
-Different ways they can create music with their own voices.

Now, onto the fun!

1. What's making that sound? Look around your home and collect items like marbles, bells, pencils, paperclips, and other small items. Put one item in a small box and shake it around. Ask your preschooler what they think is in the box. Does it make a soft or a loud sound?

2. Make your own rock band! Go outside and collect rocks of different sizes. Your preschoolers might even enjoy helping you with this. Then pick up various rocks and bang them together, one pair at a time. Ask your preschoolers if they can tell you if the sounds the different rocks make are the same or different. If they are different, how are they different?

3. No talking allowed! Play a game with your preschoolers where they have to talk to each other by singing their words instead of speaking. For some reason, this game reminds me of a scene in the movie Finding Nemo, where Dory was "talking" to the whale. If your preschoolers are familiar with the movie, you might use that as an example of how to sing words instead of speak them.


Homeschooling Preschool - 5 Ways to Make Learning Simple and Fun

Homeschooling Preschool - 5 Ways to Make Learning Simple and Fun

Homeschooling preschool gives you an opportunity to encourage your child to love learning and exploration. You don't need an early education degree to teach your preschooler. Here are some simple ways to homeschool preschool:

1. Your child can learn basic math and reading skills by acting as your little assistant. Involve your preschooler in your errands and activities. Have your child assist you as you measure ingredients for dinner, count the number of apples to put in the grocery sack, and keep track of the time until your next appointment. Helping with household chores is a great way to strengthen small motor skills. Chores also help your preschooler develop responsibility and feel like part of the team.

2.Talk to your child throughout the day. Read labels and signs to your preschooler, and explain why you do things a certain way. Remember that you are primarily a parent, not a teacher. You don't need to prepare fancy lessons on community helpers, health and safety. Simply go about daily life with your child and answer any questions he or she has along the way.

3.Reduce television and computer time to less than an hour each day. Spend afternoons playing at the park or taking nature walks around your neighborhood. By staying physically active, you are establishing a foundation of health and fitness, and helping your child develop gross motor skills.

4.Create a learning environment in your home by providing your child with materials that encourage imagination, creativity and open-ended play. Stock an area of your home with different types of paper, paint, markers and other art supplies. Stock another area with blocks, cars, trucks, trains and miniature people. Fill a box with various clothing items, pots and pans, toy food and other materials for pretend play. Then set up a quiet area with math manipulatives, puzzles and books. You now have a preschool in your home!

5.When you begin formal lessons, keep them short and simple. End the lessons before your child is ready to stop. If you notice your child becoming frustrated, end the activity for the day. One of the best ways to teach your budding student is to read to him or her daily.

Your preschooler has plenty of time to learn the details of reading, writing and arithmetic. Take time during these early years to focus on the basics and make learning fun!


3 Easy Preschool Christmas Games

3 Easy Preschool Christmas Games

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. With these preschool Christmas games, preschoolers can have a white Christmas no matter where they live. All you need are a few bags of baking flour and some Christmas toys to create a magical winter wonderland right in your very own home this holiday season. Preschoolers will be absolutely thrilled with these preschool Christmas games and will keep them entertained for hours.

Snow Angels

Materials Needed:

Six Bags of flour
Clear plastic container
Holiday cookie cutters
Miniature holiday figures (Christmas trees, Santa Claus, etc.)


Pour the flour into the plastic container. How much flour you need depends on the size of your container. You will want the flour to cover the entire bottom of the container and be at least two inches deep.
Arrange the Christmas figures in the "snow."
Your holiday indoor snow is now ready.
Let your preschooler run his/her hands through the "snow" and play with the holiday figures.
Preschoolers will also have fun making snow angels, etc. with the cookie cutters.

Frosty Snowball Toss Game

Materials Needed:

Cardboard cutout of Frosty the Snowman and cut a hole in his stomach
Snowballs made of plastic bags and put mini marshmallows inside / Styrofoam balls


Kids love toss games, so why not create a snowball toss game at Frosty's belly?
Have the children stand a distance back from Frosty (you can determine this depending on the age of the children and space you have available) and have them toss the snowballs into Frosty's tummy.
First one to get all 3 snowballs in the tummy wins a prize!
Santa Says

Materials Needed:



Same as 'Simon Says'.
The teacher can be "Santa".
The teacher says "Santa says hop".
All preschoolers have to hop.
Teacher says "Stop".
All preschoolers should continue hopping on until "Santa" says "Santa says stop".
Repeat for other actions such as jump, run, turn around, sit down, stand up, hands up/down, star jump, etc.


The Importance Of Preschool Teachers

The Importance Of Preschool Teachers

Preschool is an optional school experience designed for children at least two and a half years old, up until the age of five when they enter kindergarten. While some preschool programs are offered through the public school system, most are offered through private or religious institutions. Such programs generally offer a play-based curriculum that prepares children for the school environment. Preschool teachers facilitate this experience for children in their classroom.

Preschool teachers are crucial to a successful preschool experience. For many children, preschool colors the way that they forever look at school; it is this first experience that should foster a lifelong love of learning and an overall sense of comfort and achievement within the preschool environment. Preschool teachers will often take basic concepts and incorporate them into play. Children at this age learn through play concepts that incorporate all of their senses. While they are having fun and practicing essential social concepts – being respectful of each other, taking turns, etc. – they are unaware that they are even absorbing educational concepts. Effective preschool teachers are able to engage the preschooler and offer lessons through these playful avenues.

Physical activities, such as ball play, foster hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills, writing games sharpen fine motor skills, card games help to encourage memory retention, and games focused on books instill a love of reading and language. Preschool teachers, in many cases, are extremely involved in the development of the curriculum – incorporating ABC’s, math, social sciences, and history through learning games. Today’s modern preschool teachers also have the computer at their disposal; computer games designed for preschoolers teach a variety of fun-filled lessons through the use of color, sound, and interactive games.

Qualifications for preschool teachers vary according to state however accreditation in some capacity is unilaterally required. State regulations dictate the level of education preschool teachers must have. But ultimately, the most important qualification for preschool teachers is the ability to instill a joy of learning that stays with their young students for a lifetime.


Four Main Activity Areas For Play in Preschool Learning Toys

Four Main Activity Areas For Play in Preschool Learning Toys

It has been proven that developing children learn a lot through play and other fun activities. When a child is still in his infant or toddler years, he will prefer to play on his own, with his preferences moving quickly from one activity to another. During this time, it is best to allow the child to play in an open space with a wide variety of toys.

By the time the child reaches his preschool years, his attention span generally increases allowing him to focus on a single activity for a longer period of time. This is also the time when he realizes that it is fun to play with the other kids of his age, thus reducing his own free play to that of a structured group play.

Preschool Learning Toys are designed to aid children develop specific skills while they play. The correct setup of play activities as well as the toys found in these centers is important to enable interactivity between preschoolers. There are four basic types of play activities that should be included in these learning centers. These are manipulative play, dramatic play, literacy play, and construction play.

The first type of play activity is necessary for the development and fine tuning of motor skills, most specifically hand and eye coordination. Manipulative play activities should include toys which encourage the use of the finger and wrist muscles. Toys like math counters, matching cards, and lacing strings are some of the toys that should be found in this play area.

On the other hand, dramatic play should encourage the children to take on role-playing by pretending to be someone else. Toys found in this area should allow children to play creatively. The toys that are right for this play area include dress-up clothes and props so that the children can take on a different role each time they play here. Tents, puppets, and dollhouses are other toys that can further dramatic play.

Preschool Learning Toys should also have a place for literacy play. This is the corner where the books are located to develop early reading skills. It should be located in a quite spot separate from the other play areas. Pillows can be provided in this area for comfort. Aside from books, other games that are commonly placed here are phonics games and magnetic letter boards.

Another play area that is commonly found in a learning center is an open floor space that is allotted for construction play. This area should be provided with blocks of all shapes and sizes since this is the area where children are given the chance to create models of anything they have interest on. Cars, trucks, people, and animal figures can also be placed in this area.

Apart from the four basic play areas found in these learning centers, there are other types of play areas which can be included in a learning center's set up such as sand, science, art, and water centers. Because these are largely optional recreational activities, toys related to these centers can be brought out on certain occasions only.


Preschool Fitness Tips

Preschool Fitness Tips

10 Ways to Help Preschool Children Learn Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Children as young as age two are already being affected by adult illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma, obesity and stress disorders. Give them an early boost at developing healthy habits with these 10 tips.

1. Choose activities that come naturally. Abilities that come easy to your child will offer many rewards. Stay away from skills that are frustrating or that your child dislikes.

2. Make sure activities always have an element of "fun". Whether you structure the activity or a teacher, it should always leave your child wanting more. Preschoolers love acting silly and animated. If it isn't fun, they won't want to do it.

3. Make it a habit. Strive to make exercise another healthy habit practiced daily. Just like brushing teeth, combing hair and bathing, doing something physically demanding everyday helps make exercise a routine part of life.

4. Rewards and Incentives. Offer a reward chart for a special treat (other than food) when your child exercises each day for the entire month. On a daily basis, give an occasional unexpected sticker, hand stamp or hug.

5. De-emphasize weight loss benefits. Accentuate how good exercise feels and how good it is in keeping us healthy. Preschool children do not need to be reminded that it will help them lose weight and it should never be used as a way to make them lose weight. Once exercise becomes work, it stops being fun and children will not want to do it.

6. Include a healthy diet. Eating healthy foods provides energy to fuel activity. When preschoolers eat too much fat, sugar and salt, they won't feel as good. Endurance, strength, and motivation will all be affected. Don't let a poor diet sabotage a good exercise routine.

7. Try new things. Experiment with different sports, games, activities and other forms of movement. No doubt your child will find other activities he/she enjoys. Having the courage to try new things also builds confidence and self-esteem.

8. Rest is important. Your preschool child needs at least 8 hours of sound rest each night. Lack of sleep can affect energy, levels, coordination, concentration, learning and the immune system. Keep track of sleep time and make bedtime fun.

9. Include variety. Sports skills, dancing, hiking or running. Encourage movement that can be done alone as well as in a group. Balance team activities with solo ones.

10. Be active with your preschool child several times each week. Nothing speaks louder than your actions or implies value more than your personal habits. Exercise daily, with and without your child.


Preschool Sunday School Christmas Gift Ideas For the Teacher

Preschool Sunday School Christmas Gift Ideas For the Teacher

Christmas always seems to arrive before we expect it. The season is always busy with shopping, baking, and holiday parties. We need to be sure we teach our children the true meaning of Christmas, as well as the joy of giving. To help our preschoolers experience the pleasure of giving a small gift to a Sunday school teacher, here are some quick and easy Christmas gift ideas.

As parents, some of the best gifts we receive are handmade and from our children. It is a great pleasure to watch their little faces light up when we are excited about their gift. It can be difficult for preschoolers to understand the concept of shopping for a Christmas gift. This is where a great handmade present comes in.

A great Christmas gift can be a homemade Christmas tree ornament. You can find many craft websites on the Internet that are loaded with homemade Christmas ornament ideas. Or, you may have your child choose a special ornament from a store that pinpoints exactly what her Sunday school teacher likes. Either way, it will be an appreciated gift.

One very simple ornament can be made with pine cones, cotton balls, and a few pieces of felt. Have the child use a Popsicle stick to push the cotton balls into the pine cone until it is full. This fluffy pinecone can now become a baby snow owl with the addition of some felt feet, eyes and beak. A pipe cleaner can be wrapped around the top so the baby owl can be hung on the tree.

Another terrific Christmas gift idea is to make a treasure box using in a small cardboard box. Using leftover pieces of fabric, paper, ribbon, and other craft items, have your child create the wrapping paper. Wrap the box with a pretty ribbon and attach this preprinted note:

"There is a very special gift, That you can never see, The reason it's so special is, That it's for you from me! Don't ever open it, Just keep the ribbon tied, Hold it close to your heart, It's full of love inside!"

Leave a place on the note so your child can write her name. Any Sunday school teacher will treasure this gift for many years to come.

Another great gift a preschooler can make will take some help from you. Find white hand towels and fabric paint. Many times you can purchase these for a little a two for a dollar from your local dollar shop. Paint the bottom of your child's foot blue (body) and put it on the towel. Next, paint your child's hands (wings) and press them down on either side of the footprint. Outline the shapes and add eyes and a mouth. You can add hair as well. Write the date and your child's name at the bottom of the towel. This will be a great reminder for a Sunday school teacher of her little class angel.

Christmas gifts are a fun part of the holiday for children. Be sure you incorporate the true meaning of Christmas into each gift idea as well. Many children will remember a Bible lesson easily, if it is taught while they are doing some they enjoy.


Outside Preschool Homeschooling Textbooks - Learning About Special Events

Outside Preschool Homeschooling Textbooks - Learning About Special Events

For parents of preschool homeschool children, special days and events provide an opportunity to customize their child's education and expand their knowledge in new ways. Homeschooling textbooks provide a good foundation in many instances, but it is also a great time to bring that education off the page. Doing so makes education more entertaining, but it also acts as a highly effective way for children to learn many honorable traits and ideas from the heroes who have shaped our world.

Local Activities

Just because preschool homeschool children take their lessons at home doesn't mean they can't enjoy the opportunities offered by the local community. The library provides you and your child with a great supplement for homeschooling textbooks. They often hold reading groups that cover age-appropriate books on specific subjects. Puppet shows, crafts, and other activities may also be organized to coordinate with the special day.

Libraries aren't the only source of supplemental activities. Community groups and other organizations will also hold various events throughout the year. If nothing exists in your local area about a specific day or event, you can certainly make something happen. If it is Easter, for example, design a special egg hunt, or have your child go on a treasure hunt that involves items you can use to tell the story.

The Internet

For a preschool child, the internet acts as a comprehensive resource. So much information exists it is often more a matter of selecting what you would like to use, and sifting through what is available. For example, educational and specific sites such as YouTube hold videos of various events and occurrences. Coloring pages, simple games, craft ideas, and other simple activities offered also compliment homeschooling textbooks. You and your child can choose the ones you would like to do, making their education about the event or occurrence more personal.

Additional Resources

In some instances, it can be difficult to find the additional resources you need to compliment homeschooling textbooks. You just need to be a little creative to find what you need. Other preschool homeschool families are often a great place to start. They will have likely already faced the situation, and have come up with solutions, or the group of you will be able to come up with suitable solutions that all of the kids can enjoy. Homeschool suppliers frequently carry more than just the basic supplies. Be sure to check with them to see what they have available.

If nothing currently exists that will help your child learn more about special events, make something that does. Design crafts or games that add to your kid's understanding. These activities are also helpful in getting everyone into a creative groove. Your children will also have great ideas of what to do, or where he or she would like to start!


Kids Preschool Games Free Online Learning

Kids Preschool Games Free Online Learning

Are you looking for kids preschool games free online to entertain your child? There are many websites offering kids preschool games free online such as kids typing games, nick kids games, sight words games, and many more. Preschoolers will not only be entertained by playing games on the web but they can also have a great computer learning experience as well.

While online kids preschool games free up parent's time at home by keeping their kids entertained it can also provide for a very educational experience by helping children become familiar with the keyboard, the mouse and computer technology. Having exposure to computer technology and becoming familiar with the use of a keyboard and mouse can make it easier and more comfortable for the child to learn how to type later on.

Preschoolers often enjoy the interactive learning experience kids preschool games free can provide. This can be a more educational experience than watching television which provides no interaction. Parents can enjoy watching their children interact with the games provided on the computer rather than watching their child veg out in front of a television tube.

Lastly, kids preschool games free can improve a preschoolers fine motor skills. Find motor skills generally refers to the small movements of the hands, wrists, fingers, feet, toes, etc. Using a computer keyboard and mouse can provide practice and improvement in a child's finger, hand and hand-eye coordination. And since the development of fine motor skills plays an important part in school readiness and cognitive development it is integrated into every preschool curriculum.

As noted above, preschool kids can not only be entertained by all the preschool games offered on the computer today but they can also benefit from improving their fine motor skills and have very educational learning experience at the same time.




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