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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

5 Jolly Preschool Christmas Games

5 Jolly Preschool Christmas Games

Christmas games for children are so jolly! Preschool Christmas games for little ones get the kids in the holiday spirit, and keep them occupied and out of mischief!

Christmas Garland Limbo Activity

Materials Needed:

Christmas Garland, about 2 feet
Christmas CD/Tape
CD/Tape Player


Pop a holiday CD in the radio to set the mood.
Appoint two preschoolers to hold the limbo "pole."
Have each preschooler hold onto an end of the Christmas garland and stand next to one another, pulling the garland taut to create the limbo pole.
Have preschoolers form a line and take turns seeing how low they can go.
If you want your Christmas garland limbo activity to be a competition, eliminate preschoolers after they fail to make it under the limbo "pole."
The preschooler who is able to slide under the limbo pole at it's shortest height wins.

Candy Cane Pass (Relay Race)

Materials Needed

4 candy canes per team (have a few extras due to breakage).


The first player holds 4 candy canes between his/her fingers and passes them down the line, teammate to teammate, without dropping any.
The first team to pass the candy canes all the way down the line are the winners.

Ring the Bell

Materials Needed:

Bean Bags


Cut a large bell shape out of a large piece of cardboard.
Attach bells to a piece of ribbon.
Then attach the ribbon to the top of the bell cutout.
Let your children throw bean bags or balls through the hole and ring the bell.

Christmas Match

Materials Needed:

Pair of scissors


Create several different Christmas Shape Cutouts (Santa, stocking, ornaments, Christmas Trees, etc). Cut them in half and then have your children match the halves.

More Christmas activities and preschool Christmas games:

Mini Stocking Advent Activity Preschoolers will delight in counting the days till Christmas by discovering a holiday trinket in a mini stocking each day until December 25.

Candy Cane Tree Advent Activity Preschoolers will enjoy decorating a small Christmas tree with a candy cane each day until Santa arrives.


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